Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The truth

The truth is that once I have posed a pix to show that I am spinning a particular weight, I do not need to prove it over and over by posting pix of every hank of that weight that I spin.

A current bin of my miscellaneous spinning;

Some of it is poor spinning, but there are miles of 5,600 ypp and 11,200 ypp singles in that bin.  The bin is a little empty just now because I recently used a couple miles of singles from it to make 5-ply yarn for a couple of sweaters.  5-ply is in another bin.

If someone wants to be critical, they should also post pixs of how many miles of fine singles they have spun recently.

Nothing I do will be believed by most modern spinners, but nothing I do, or say, is likely to raise the eyebrows of a good hand spinner.  

Most modern spinners arparochial. And, Ravelry has become as parochial as any village church. There is the gospel handed down from on high, comments about her ladyship's roses, and local gossip that would make Jane Austin blush.  None of this teaches me to spin better.

when I made that 5-ply, moved some of the singles down to the garage.

Good thing I looked because there was some more 5-ply down there also.

No I do not take pix of everything I spin.


Holin Kennen said...

We keep saying it over and over, Aaron, and you don't seem to get it. It's not about how many "miles" of yarn you spin. It's about the quality of the yarn. From what I can see when I enlarge the photo, the quality of your yarn is not anywhere near what a professional spinner or weaver would consider useable. It's kinked, tangled, and uneven. If you pay more attention to quality and less attention to speed and distance, you may have a little less yardage, but your quality will improve dramatically. As it is, you keep doing the same thing and getting the same poor results. As a professional spinner, I am less than impressed.

Aaron said...

Please post a picture of your WORSTED singles for making 5-ply sportweight for a couple of sweaters in the price range of a seaman/fisherman.

Once the singles I have spun have been plied, knit, and the object washed and blocked, the objects meet the standards set for them.

I am not trying to make pretty yarns, I am researching what works and what does not.

Oh, and remember that as a professional spinner, anything and everything that you produce for the seaman/fisherman market must be as inexpensive as possibility. If you overprice ANYTHING, it will not sell and YOU WILL STARVE!

Holin Kennen said...

Well, we don't have a lot of "seamen" here in this area of Wisconsin, but we do have a lot of farmers and ice fishermen/women who go out in winter weather. Winter weather that is so cold that if you are foolish enough to "take a nap in the snow" you will die, quickly.

I spin a lot of sock yarn. It's balanced, usually spun worsted for durability and is mostly fingering to lace weight two ply. My yarns are durable and yet light, which makes them a good sock for year round wear, yet they are warm enough to keep out the winter chill quite nicely. At this point, I can't keep up with the demand for my handspun and I have a waiting list. Do you? My yarns are affordably priced (unlike your overpriced boot socks) because I want people to be able to use them. How many people are referred to you by others because they have heard how wonderful your yarns are. How many people tell you how much they enjoy knitting with your yarns? How many people tell you that they won't buy commercial sock yarn again after knitting with your handspun? Are you making a living from fiber? I am. I think that speaks for itself.

BTW, I checked your Ravelry page, and the last time you finished anything appears to be 2010, and it was made from COMMERCIAL yarn. Time to get going, Aaron.