Monday, March 29, 2021

Revisited Heiz 57 at spin count


Here is a pix of this fiber at spin count and 2x spin count (twice spin count grist).

With only 10 fibers in cross section of singe, the 2x spin count is only good for “Longest Thread” competitions. Yes, I could use it to make 2-ply that would last through being measured, but knit, woven, or tatted into an object, it would not tolerate use – even with careful handling by trained ladies maids. This is not the fiber I would use for a Longest Thread entry, not even for a county fair competition.

The thicker segments are spun at spin count and can be fabricated into objects that will withstand regular use.

Having worked out a fiber prep. that allowed spinning it at spin count, I went back and spun this fiber at spin count and higher using Scotch Tension and Irish Tension. I have not used these techniques for a long, long time because I found them slow, and it was harder to maintain consistency.

Today, for this fiber, I would say DRS is about five times faster, and produces better consistency.  If I was limited to Scotch Tension and Irish Tension, my projects would be impossible.  Things that I do in a few hours would take days and weeks. I do not have that kind of time.  It is already hard enough to allocate months and months to spinning a loom warp.

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